Legal warning

1. Scope of application

The following conditions apply to all orders placed through our online store. Our online store is aimed exclusively at consumers.

A consumer is considered to be any natural person who acts for a purpose that cannot be attributed to their commercial, business, commercial or professional activity.

2. Contracting party, conclusion of the contract, possibilities of rectification

The purchase contract is concluded with Shadowstory Lda.

By placing the products in the online shop, we make a binding offer to conclude a contract for these items. that acts for a purpose that has nothing to do with its commercial, business, commercial or professional activity.

Immediately after submitting the order you will receive another confirmation by email.

3. Contract language, storage of contract text

Language(s) available for the conclusion of the contract: German

We store the text of the contract and send you the order data and our General Conditions in text form. You can consult the text of the contract in our customer login.

4. Delivery conditions

Shipping costs will be added to the indicated product prices. You can find out more about shipping costs in the offers.

5. Payment method

In our store you can choose between the following payment methods:

Payment in advance

When selecting the advance payment method, select the credit card option you wish to pay with.


To pay the invoice amount through the payment service provider PayPal.

You will receive more information in the ordering process.

PayPal may offer registered PayPal customers selected based on its own PayPal customers selected based on its own criteria.

You will find more information about this in your PayPal account.

6. Reservation of property rights

The goods remain our property until full payment has been received.

7. Transport damage

If the goods are delivered with obvious transport damage, please report these defects to

In this way we can claim from the carrier or the transportation insurance company.

Ansprüche gegenüber dem Frachtführer bzw. der Transportversicherung geltend machen zu können.

8. Guarantee

8.1 Liability for defects

Current legislation regarding liability for defects will apply.

8.2 Guarantees and customer service

Customer service: If you have any questions, you can contact our customer service, complaints and complaints by email from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays

9. Responsibility

We will always be liable without limitation for claims based on damages caused by us, our legal representatives or vicarious agents.


* in case of willful or grossly negligent breach of duty,

* in case of guarantee promises, to the extent agreed, or

* to the extent that the scope of application

In the event of a breach of material contractual obligations due to slight negligence on our part, on the part of our legal representatives or vicarious agents, liability will be limited to the amount of the order sum, otherwise claims for damages will be excluded.

10. Code of conduct

We have submitted to the following codes of conduct:

*Trusted Shops

( [2])

11. Dispute resolution

The European Commission offers a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find here [3]. We are willing to participate in an extrajudicial dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board. The competent body is the Universalschlichtungsstelle des Bundes am Zentrum für Schlichtung eV, Straßburger Straße 8, 77694 Kehl am Rhein, [4].

12. Protection of minors

If your order includes goods, their sale subject to age restrictions, the merchant will deliver the goods only after verification of the minimum age required for the customer only in person.