Since 1850 yarn is our vocation. We have always stated, as a priority, the commitment and responsibility towards the Planet and the people throughout the production process. The Italianity that identifies us is most evident and a striking demonstration of this engagement. This is underlined by the rejection of any form of delocalization in production, during the years but is not the only reason: we can’t believe in identity and soul of a handmade product deprived of the air and water of its valleys, of the hands that can feel its mood and character with one simple touch.
We firmly believe that a sustainable development model is the basis for economic recovery, an economic recovery that is as inclusive as possible, and that it can truly create value for all stakeholders.
In order to confirm our commitment to promoting a business model that integrates economic, social and environmental responsibility in all aspects and activities of our Company, we have linked our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs), unanimously adopted by United Nations member States in 2015, and forming the Agenda 2030.
We recognize the main role of human resources in the belief that the main factor of success of every company arises from the professional contribution of the people who work there. All the people in the workforce work in our Italian factories, where the commitment to respect fundamental human rights is essential. -
Our verticalized business structure guarantees a wide control over its supply chain, increasing its transparency and fostering its ability to ensure a continuous supervision of the quality of the finished product. The implementation of these principles within the production processes guides us towards a process oriented towards innovation and continuous improvement. The majority of our production (95%), including the majority of wool and fine mixed articles, is certified OEKO-TEX Class II, Annex IV.
We consider essential the approach to the issue of animal welfare along its own supply chain, knowing that the value of products could be maximized while respecting the environment and biodiversity. In order to formalize our commitment to animal welfare, in continuity with the previous year, we also obtained the product certification “Responsible Wool Standard (RWS)”.
From last three years we partecipate to the Chemical Management Project 4sustainability®, project for the implementation of MRSL ZDHC, which fosters an approach oriented to the prevention of the use of pollutants rather than their purification. This approach led us to further reduce the environmental impact caused by wastewater.
During the year, we have also obtained the “GRS – Global Recycle Standard” certification, which recognizes the value of recycling for the growth of an increasingly sustainable production model.3. -
We actively committed to contributing positively to the protection of the environment through strategies and initiatives aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of its operations. In this context, we pay close attention to our consumptions, promoting various initiatives to improve our efficiency.
Throughout the 2020, we took many steps in order to reduce our environmental impact including the management and maintenance of our forest properties, in order to increase the absorption capacity of CO2. Carbon storage, which takes place through the absorption of CO2, is a significant contribution for the health of the Planet and to all other animal and plant species that can rely on a more stable climate.